Sunday, September 29, 2013

With trepidation I continue down this path

I question my own skepticism.

I've even reached the point where all the doors which were portrayed to open other universes seem to be but a dream, the key being acceptance, and the lock being the imagination.

The horror is a constant, I do not understand those who claim compassion yet fail to recognize this.

My greatest fear is that we truly are all connected. What a bitter tragedy.

If external splendor is internal corruption, perhaps at times internal corruption is external splendor.

I do not have the answers, it only seems more questions, more doubt, more recognition that I simply do not know, and I never will.

Perhaps, acceptance of how ignorant we all are in terms of the universe both within and without will be the only escape from this labyrinth.

It's not a maze, I only made it so, because it can not possibly be that simple.

It is that difficult, one path, many ways. Some are stumbling back to the center. A maze would at least make sense, give an excuse for this fallacy.

If my body were a weapon, it is one I would discard, for it takes way too much effort to keep it maintained.

If it were silence, I would cherish it. I've heard that silence.

The river or creek never changes, only the definition if it is but one body of water or many parts forming into that whole body of water. If it is the former, step in and out all you want, it will be just as deep in the same parts for quite a bit of time. If it is the latter, its only your mind telling you that.

Perception is limited to the infinite, incapable of recognizing the microscopic aspects.

We only value ascension over the opposite for we value our head above our feet.

All these thoughts and ideas are a metaphor, any concept can not be fully coherent.

If all experience is valid, what of that of the insane?

I have changed peoples lives. It is only a memory. Memory falters.

It is sheer trickery that a small amount of individuals are completely complacent in this existence. They are used to create fear, shame, and jealousy, nothing more. They are our potential, our branches reaching to the sun.

The planets circle me. I know nothing more, only the planets circle me.

Abandoned hopes, its in the cards. Acceptance of limitation. Recognition of potential. Find the balance.

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